About Digital Jungle
Digital Jungle is the leading Chinese social Influence marketing Agency.
Our marketing philosophy is about facilitating discourse with your clients and prospects; encouraging them to communicate back with your company. Doing this can develop trust with your brand, spread your message fast, increase customer loyalty, and increase sales.
Digital Jungle leverages expertise in social media marketing and combines this medium with additional online channels such as search marketing (SEO/SEM), ePR, eDM, display media and affiliate marketing services to amplify the communications and echo key messages.
Digital Jungle combines the best thought leadership of the consulting world with the leading capabilities of the marketing services industry to support our clients’ business needs, such as launching new products, repositioning a brand or participating in the social world.
Digital Jungle簡介
Digital Jungle 是領先的中國社會影響力營銷機構。
Digital Jungle憑借著其在社會媒體領域的專業知識,將這一媒介與其它的在線渠道,如:搜索引擎營銷(SEO/SEM),電子公關營銷以及電子郵件營銷,顯示媒體以及聯屬營銷服務相結合,從而加強交流并獲得關鍵信息響應。
Digital Jungle將世界最好的咨詢領導者與領先的行業營銷服務能力結合起來,以支持我們客戶的商業需求。例如,新產品的發布,品牌的定位以及社會媒體領域的參與等。