長安PSA 正滿懷信心地以更快的速度,更高的效率,更強的舉措,以“行業標桿,國際領先”為愿景,踐行企業使命,讓客戶暢享汽車科技,創造價值生活。
Changan PSA Automobiles Co., Ltd. (CAPSA) established in November 2011, and the parent companies are Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.(CQCA) and PSA Group (PSA). Covering an area of 1.3 million square meters, CAPSA Shenzhen base is composed of two vehicle plants and one engine plant. The newly built R&D Center put into operation at the end of 2014, works together with the R&D centers of PSA and CQCA worldwide to share the technology and design resources.
CAPSA realizes mass production in September of 2013, will achieve the annual production capacity of 200,000 vehicles and engines in the future. CAPSA initially introduces the premium car brand DS, to offer original concept, refinements and technology for well beings to Chinese customer.