薩康電子有限公司Selcom Electronics Co. Ltd.是一家意大利獨資企業,總部位于意大利。上海青浦廠區于2006年8月份成立,現在有800多名員工。公司擁有先進的SMT生產線和組裝線,主要生產家用電器、電子產品、通信產品、各種電池裝置;汽車和摩托車的儀表板。
Selcom Electronics Co. Ltd is an Italian funded company with its headquarter located in Italian. The SH office and plant is founded in Aug, 2006. Now, we have more than 800 staff in SH plant. We have first-class SMT lines and equipments, we produce PCBA, used in home appliance and automotive industry.