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Bankrate(NYSE:RATE)是一家全球領先的個人金融產品信息服務公司,總部設在美國佛羅里達州的北棕櫚灘,至今已有30多年的歷史。憑借其資深的金融編輯、優秀的分析師團隊,Bankrate對全美、加拿大及中國境內50個州、40多個省、575多個地區的5600多家金融機構的金融產品進行實時跟蹤調研,通過其旗艦網站www.yinhang.com 和www.bankrate.com.cn (銀率網)在線向消費者提供及時、客觀、全面的金融產品查詢及190多種個人理財計算器,金融產品數據高達326,000多款,內容涉及房貸及各類個人貸款、銀行卡、理財產品、儲蓄與國債、黃金、基金、保險、外匯等多個欄目。
2008年1月24日,Bankrate在北京正式注冊成立了銀率網(北京)科技發展有限公司(簡稱銀率網)。秉承Bankrate 30多年持續創新、金融科技領先的前瞻理念,銀率網在過去的5年里堅持不懈地為中國的消費者提供著客觀、全面、及時的個人金融產品信息服務。服務種類包括:查詢各類金融產品信息及相關費率;計算不同金融產品的收益與適應性;客觀、全面地解讀各類金融產品市場行情、相關政策、理財故事及金融知識。涵蓋的金融產品包括:按揭、個人貸款、信用卡、儲蓄國債、理財產品、外匯、黃金、基金、保險、信托、其他投資等12大類。涉及全國1,731家金融機構的77,000多款金融產品。銀率網不僅成為國內目前最大的網上“金融產品超市”,同時也日漸成為金融機構精準、高效的營銷推廣平臺。

About Bankrate

Bankrate (NYSE: RATE) is a global leading financial product information aggregator. The head office is located in North Palm Beach, Florida. Over 30 year experiences, Bankrate’s rate data research offering is unique in its depth and breadth. Bankrate continually surveys approximately 5,600 financial institutions in all 50 states in America, 10 provinces in Canada and 36 provinces in China. Through its flagship website www.bankrate.com and www.bankrate.com.cn , Bankrate provides clear, objective and comprehensive financial product information and more than 190 types of personal finance calculators to consumers to help them make informed financial decisions. The financial product information covers mortgages, car loan and personal loans, credit cards, money market accounts, certificates of deposit, checking and ATM fees, online banking fees, personal finance product, gold, funds and forex, etc. Bankrate has built an efficient interactive platform to allow potential investors to interact with the financial institutions directly. This unique one on one interactive platform not only can present the financial product based on consumer’s needs, more importantly it can generate high quality potential investors for the financial institutions directly.
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