Major Responsibilities:1、Comply with the requirements from Supervisor/Manager.2、Build a marketing database based on gathering information of potential customers by access to Internet and dialing.3、Offer logistics solutions that designed based on customer needs and complete sales targets by promoting SFC products. 4、Maintain a good relationship and extend cooperation with customers by visiting them periodically and keep a close eye on their shipping trends.5、Timely feedback on the marketing developments and customer demands is required for internal system improvement and working process transformation.Position Requirements and Qualifications:1、 Bachelor’s degree minimum; No Major requirements, major in Marketing, Foreign Trade or Logistics Management preferred.2、 Good ability on marketing analysis and problem solving.3、 Personalities of outgoing, positive and results-oriented preferred.4、 Diligent, smart, good communication skill and proficiency in office software is a plus.5、 Relevant working experience preferred.Salary and Benefits:1. We offer a salary that above average in the same industry. It is compose of base salary, commissions and annual bonus (Commissions depends on personal abilities, no maximum).2. Full training courses on sales skills and industrial knowledge and etc.3. Bright carrier future for position promotion to be Top Sales, Team Leader, Supervisor etc.4. Attractive benefits on social insurance, housing accumulation funds, commercial insurance, public holidays and paid annual vocation.5. Abundant enterprise culture on business trip, outdoor activities and banquet.
鵬展萬國電子商務(深圳)有限公司是致力于跨境電子商務零售業務的平臺研發與運營管理的國家高新技術企業。公司成立于2007年,位于深圳南山科技園北區,專注于跨境電子商務和物流軟件的研發及技術服務和電子商務平臺運營管理,公司運用互聯網信息技術優勢,通過第三方電子商務平臺(eBay、亞馬遜等)或海外自營網站等銷售平臺,面向全球200多個國家或地區銷售“中國制造”,產品覆蓋服裝、電子產品、家居用品、玩具、飾品、體育用品等多種品類、上千種綜合小商品,海外市場已遍布全球200多個國家與地區。 ? ? ?鵬展萬國電子商務(深圳)有限公司是國內首批登陸新三板的跨境電商行業綜合服務商三態跨境集團的全資子公司。集團總部位于中國科技創新的窗口深圳南山科技園,源于加拿大電子商務企業Suntek,至今已有15年以上的發展歷史。公司憑借精益化管理、信息化的流程,以及跨境電商、跨境物流協同的發展模式,使公司在跨境電商行業中形成了獨特的競爭力。憑借著領先的業務模式和卓越的管理效能,公司必將繼續領跑跨境電商行業。加入我們,可以為您提供的福利: (1)五天8小時工作制,舒適的辦公環境及具有競爭力的薪資; (2)員工從入職起享受五險一金,并依法享有病假、婚假、喪假、產假、帶薪年假、工傷假等全面的福利; (3)公司每月為每個員工提供活動經費,并享有婚育、節日賀禮及病喪慰問金等;(4)年度除法定節假日外,提供5-17天的帶薪休假;(5)廣闊的發展空間和晉升平臺。 ? ?2015年8月11日,我司正式啟動“三態跨境”項目,整體登陸“新三板”,步入上市公司行列!此亦預示著我司打造全產業鏈的跨境電商生態夢想,將借助資本的翅膀,再次起航!前進的動力,源自對成功的渴望與追求,我們欣賞勇于承擔責任的人,我們更贊賞為理想而工作的人,希望您的人生因三態而精彩,也希望我們能因您而自豪!