工作內容:1、 根據部門的銷售計劃,完成既定銷售目標2、 協助完成貨款的核算和催收3、 維護現有客戶資源,開拓新的客戶資源并協助公司制定客戶檔案。4、 定期向上級提交客戶狀況分析報告、所負責產品和區域價格走勢及市場行情5、 協調處理相關客戶和業務之間的關系及時、有效地處理客戶投訴,保障客戶對企業的滿意度任職資格:1、 熟知各類鋼材產品生產工藝、性能、規格和應用領域2、 大專及以上學歷3、 1年以上鋼材(汽車板、彩鋼板、冷、熱軋、鍍鋅卷等)銷售經驗4、 良好的溝通能力、抗壓能力、協調能力和商務談判能力5、 工作熱情,富有沖勁
van shung chong holdings limited and its subsidiaries (collectively the "vsc group") is a leading supply chain manager of steel, plastics and building & design solutions ("bds";). bds is primarily focused on architect and designer needs for projects (kitchen, bathroom and bedroom for hotel, hospital, residential, airport, etc). we provide processing, inventory management and logistics for steel and plastics. we provide inventory management, logistics, technical support and installation for building and design products.
? ? shanghai bao shun chang ("bsc") is a coil processing and distribution company in eastern china that sells surface critical coil to automotive, home appliance and construction industries.
? ? our property group specializes in buying underperforming office buildings in strategically located areas and converting into high end, high yield investments.
? ? vsc group was founded in 1961 as a distributor and trader of construction steel serving the hong kong market. over years, vsc group has expanded its reach into mainland china, diversified its product offer and continues to improve its value proposition to serve the growing needs of the markets served. our objective is to be a relevant player in the markets we choose to participate by delivering long-term value to our shareholders
? ?"van shung chong" stands for "continuous progress and prosperity" in chinese. vsc group is listed on the stock exchange of hong kong limited under stock code 1001.
our mission
vsc will deliver on our vision by being responsible and relevant in the markets we choose to participate in. we will deliver sustainable shareholder value and the best total value solution to customers through excellent service, an efficient supply chain, financing and value added processing. we will be knowledgeable of the market and the needs of our target customers. we will hire people that raise the average and will invest in their development.
our vision
vsc will be a preferred investment option for our shareholders. we will consistently execute on our strategies to provide desired returns on investment and sustainable growth. all strategies will have robust analysis and the proper market intelligence to assure delivery of our promises to our board of directors.
vsc will be a preferred supplier to customers. they will think of us when needing our products. their purchasing experience will always be pleasant, informative and helpful in meeting their objectives.
vsc will be a preferred employer. we will hire only people that will raise the average. we will hire for attitude and invest in development of our employees to create loyalty and love of company. we will provide a safe and pleasant working environment with constant learning and growth opportunities.
? ?萬順昌集團有限公司及其附屬公司(統稱「萬順昌集團」)為鋼材、塑料及建筑產品及設計方案(「建筑產品及設計方案」)供應鏈管理公司翹楚。建筑產品及設計方案業務主要為大型項目提供建筑和設計支持(包括為酒店、醫院、大型住宅、機場等提供廚房、浴室及睡房設備)。我們為鋼材及塑料提供加工、庫存管理及物流服務,并為建筑產品及設計產品提供庫存管理、物流、技術支持及安裝服務。
? 上海寶順昌(「寶順昌」)乃華東地區之卷鋼加工及分銷公司,于汽車、家電及建筑等行業分銷對表面要求嚴格的高端鋼卷。
? 房地產業務專門投資位置優越但運營不佳的辦公樓,經過整改使之成為高端、高回報的物業投資。
? 萬順昌集團于一九六一年成立為鋼材分銷商及貿易商,服務香港市場。多年來,萬順昌集團已進軍中國內地,多元化發展其產品類別,繼續改善其價值要素,務求切合所服務市場日益殷切之需要。我們旨在透過為股東帶來長遠價值,在其選擇參與之市場上成為重要企業。
? 中文名稱「萬順昌」意指「萬事順景昌盛」。萬順昌集團于香港聯合交易所有限公司上市,股份代號為1001。
? 萬順昌集團在上海的下屬公司分別為亞萬鋼國際貿易(上海)有限公司、利尚派國際貿易(上海)有限公司、昌裕(上海)房地產經營有限公司,上海寶順昌國際貿易有限公司.詳細資料請參考www.vschk.com
? 萬順昌被評為“2006第一財經日報-cctv上海地區***雇主”之一。