職責描述:1. Responsible for school educational affairs. Arrange curriculum of each semester.負責學校教學事務,安排每學期具體課程。2. Coordinate the course schedule between teachers and students, and parents. Adjust curriculum schedule if needed.與老師,學生,家長協(xié)調(diào)上課時間,遇有調(diào)課或突發(fā)情況,進行課程協(xié)調(diào)安排。3. Collect and manage students’ personal documents. Update students’ status in time, and maintain the registered documents confidentially.負責和檔案管理,及時更新學生學籍信息,維護學生注冊信息機密性。4. Manage students` academic information and provide tran**** and certificate of attendance in time.管理學生教學信息,及時出具成績單、在讀證明等證明。5. Responsible for exam schedule. Keep exam records and build exam documents system.負責學生日常考試安排,記錄、匯總學生各類考試情況,建立考試檔案。6. Manage students` test paper and ensure the confidentiality of exam.保管學生試卷,做好試卷保密工作。7. Collect, classify and manage the courses syllabus and other related documents from teachers.負責收集、分類、保管老師授課的課程大綱以及相關(guān)材料。8. Book and manage the textbooks of IB courses along with the librarian. The reference books and library books are responsible by the librarian.與圖書管理員一起負責學生教材預定與管理,參考書與圖書館用書由圖書管理員負責。9. To act as a point person for all communication within the and side the school regarding academics.負責校內(nèi)外涉及教學相關(guān)事宜的溝通交流。10. Complete other work related to academic and assigned tasks required by principals.完成其他教務工作和校長交辦的工作。
蘇州國際外語學校(簡稱“蘇國外”)創(chuàng)辦于1995年, 是蘇州市第一所全日制、寄宿制民辦學校,隸屬于蘇州良士集團(簡稱“集團”)。 蘇國外坐落在美麗的蘇州陽澄湖畔,學校始終堅持以“育一流人才、辦一流學校、做一流貢獻”為使命,以“卓爾不群、光而不耀”為校訓,實施全面素質(zhì)教育,尊重學生個性,重視學生興趣特長培訓;重視英語和科技創(chuàng)新教育;重視學生創(chuàng)造力、領導力培養(yǎng),致力于將學生培養(yǎng)成為既有本土情懷,又有國際視野的未來人才。