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海特斯下屬于世界五百強企業之一的歐洲家族企業集團哈尼爾集團(2013年排名第317位)。海特斯旗下擁有CWS 和 boco兩個品牌。

CWS在洗手間產品及控塵地墊方面擁有超過50年的經驗,CWS的服務不止于清潔,體現洗手間產品功能性的同時彰顯了設計感與環保性。CWS 的服務包括擦手毛巾卷、泡沫洗手液分配器、空氣清新機、雙卷廁紙分配器、廁板清潔劑分配器和各種控塵地墊。

boco 這一傳統品牌自1899年開始提供酒店布草與各類制服的全套洗滌與租賃定制服務,包括紡織品的生產、護理、修補、收送、儲存等服務。最先進的洗滌設備、經過認證的洗滌流程及秉承環保理念的高效現場管理保證了紡織品的專業護理。同時boco還提供全套的專業潔凈服服務方案,并建有符合ISO標準的專業潔凈服洗滌工廠。



CWS-boco (Shanghai) Laundry and Hygiene Service Co., Ltd.
CWS-boco (Beijing) Laundry and Hygiene Service Co., Ltd.

As one of the leading service partners for washroom hygiene solutions, mats and textile laundry and rental services in the world, CWS-boco is represented in 18 countries for more than 100 years. Over the years, CWS-boco exceeds itself with high-quality products and high standard of services.

CWS-boco with two brands “CWS” and “boco” is a subsidiary of the richly traditional Haniel Group, which is one of the world’s most successful family-owned companies in Europe.

CWS stands for complete washroom solutions. With more than 50 years of experience in the areas of washroom service as well as dust control mats, CWS is more than just hygiene. CWS offers the ideal combination of design and function, setting environmental standards in the washroom. CWS washroom products include foam for hand washing, cotton roller towel for hand drying, aircontrol for fragrance, seatcleaner for cleaning toilet seat, ladycare etc.

boco, this traditional brand, since 1899, stands for tailor-made full laundry and rental services of linen and garments, which includes manufacturing, care, repair, delivery and storage of textiles. The most modern technologies, certified laundry processes and environmental management guarantee the professional care of textiles. Meanwhile boco Cleanroom offers a comprehensive professional cleanroom garments service solution.

CWS-boco’s headquarter in China is based in Shanghai where it operates a state-of-the-art laundry with wastewater recycling and treatment system. The second laundry facility in Beijing has been opened which is also conscious of sustainability and environmental protection. The CWS-boco laundry facility in Shanghai received the ISO9001-2008 certificate in Jan of 2013. This internationally recognized seal of approval confirms the high quality standards in place in the Chinese high tech system.

Considering environmental protection as its own duty, CWS-boco offers hygienic, healthy and safe service solution.
500強 帶薪年假 通訊津貼 五險一金 崗位晉升 技能培訓 車輛津貼 定期體檢 子女福利