Be responsible to organize and coordinate the daily work of costing, including cost calculation and stock management and analysis and controlling work of the cost center / 負責組織和協調日常的成本工作,包括成本核算工作和存貨管理工作,并負責公司成本的分析控制工作
- Be responsible for organizing and coordinating cost center daily work / 負責組織和協調成本中心的日常工作
- Be responsible for organizing EWIS, parts maintenance and manufacturing cost analysis and implementing the controlling procedures / 負責組織EWIS線纜,零件維修與制造成本分析以及控制程序的實施
- Be responsible for organizing daily management of stock and regular stock check / 負責組織存貨的日常管理和定期盤點
- Be responsible for preparing stock calculation value method and financial management method and implement / 負責制訂存貨的計價方法和財務管理辦法,并組織執行
- Be responsible for controlling the funds occupy of stock material / 負責存貨物資資金占用的控制
- Be responsible for preparing stock material annual budget and approving department application plan / 負責編制存貨物資年度預算和審批部門申購計劃
- Be responsible for preparing stock material delivery in and out balance report / 負責按月編制庫存材料收發結存表
- Be responsible for review and check for material purchase / 負責承辦采購物資的審核報銷事宜
- Be responsible for calculating sell material cost to abroad / 負責對外銷售材料成本的核算
- To participate in a big deal purchase contract discussion and evaluation / 參與大宗購買合同的洽談和評審
- Be responsible for organizing and monitoring regular stock check work / 負責組織和監督定期存貨盤點工作
- Be responsible for calculating EWIS cost / 負責線纜成本的核算工作
- Be responsible for calculating tooling repair cost / 負責工裝加工成本的核算工作
- Be responsible for preparing material loss document in the year-end / 負責年終材料報損資料的準備工作
- Be responsible for man-hour software data checking and collecting software edit opinion to software administrator / 負責工時軟件的數據審核工作,并負責搜集軟件修訂意見報系統管理員
- Be responsible for pushing the collection and clear the debts for payables and receivables under the responsibility of the position / 負責清理催收本崗位工作范圍內的各項往來賬款
- Be responsible for preparing the cost analysis management report / 負責編制與成本相關的成本分析管理報表
- Other works assigned by CFO / 財務總監指定的其他工作
- Bachelor’s Degree or above in Finance, Economics or related field / 財務,經濟學或相關領域本科或以上學歷
- At least 2 years of accounting experience with cost accounting experience preferred / 2年以上會計工作經驗,有成本會計經驗者優先
- Experience working in multi-national company is a plus / 有跨國公司工作經驗者優先
- Good English and Chinese in writing and speaking / 良好的中英文寫作和口頭表達能力
- Familiar with the ERP system, SAP preferred, proficient in Excel, MS office tools / 熟練使用ERP信息系統,SAP更佳;能熟練操作各種辦公軟件
- Self-motivated, disciplined, high integrity and result oriented / 良好的自我激勵、高度誠信、遵紀守法,且以業績結果為導向
- Strong problem-solving and independent working capability / 優秀的解決問題與獨立工作的能力
- Carefulness, patience and strong skill of the analysis sense / 仔細,耐心并有很好的分析技能
- Complete all of tasks in an accurate and timely manner / 及時準確地完成所有任務
上海賽飛航空線纜制造有限公司是法國賽峰和中國商飛下屬的上海飛機制造有限公司共同投資的一家合資公司,于2012年4月正式注冊成立。上海賽飛作為雙方的合資企業將專注于設計、開發、生產EWIS(Electrical Wiring Interconnection Systems),以支持亞太航空市場。該合資企業已開始了C919EWIS相關工作的執行。
1.賽峰(SAFRAN)集團是一家高科技的跨國集團公司,世界500強企業之一,擁有四大核心專業:航空航天推進,航空航天設備,防務-安全和通訊。集團在世界30多個國家擁有62,000名員工,年銷售額超過113億歐元。賽峰集團旗下的各公司都享有盛譽,包括Sagem集團、Aircelle集團、Hispano-Suiza集團、Labinal集團、Messier-Bugatti集團、Messier-Dowty集團、Morpho集團、Snecma集團、Snecma Propulsion Solide集團、Techspace Aero集團、Turbomeca集團等,通過獨立開發或進行合作均位居世界或歐洲的領先地位,其麾下的斯奈克瑪公司主營業務為航空器動力裝置研制生產,承擔了歐洲阿麗亞娜1-5型火箭及液體助推器所用推進系統的設計和研制工作。