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IELTS Teacher-Part time 雅思老師(兼


Nord Anglia Education


廣州市 | 本科 | 1年以下

招聘人數:1 人

崗位職責Job Duties: 1、 ?熟悉雅思課程體系,對所教課程做好提前備課工作; Be familiar with IELTS curriculum system and prepare lesson plan in advance 2、 ?及時記錄學生的課堂表現,在課后與家長溝通并將學生情況反饋給家長; Record students' classroom performance in time, communicate with parents after class, and provide feedback to parents 3、 ?針對學生問題能夠給家長合理的建議,及時回答家長的問題; Offer parents reasonable advice based on students' situation, and answer parents' questions on time 4、 ?積極參加部門組織的教研會,按時高效完成教研任務 Actively participate in the academic meetings, and complete the teaching and research tasks efficiently 5、 ?具有一定的分析能力,探索新的教學方法拓展學生的學習體驗 To demonstrate fair analytical skills and explore new teaching methods for expanded learning experience 6、 ?通過堅持不懈的自我學習,不斷提高自己的職業素養與教學能力 Continued self-learning for professional and teaching skill enhancement 7、 ?完成領導交辦的其他事宜。 Complete other tasks assigned by the leader.任職要求 Requirements: 1.本科及以上學歷,3年以上教學經驗,持教師資格證書; Bachelor and above degree with 3+ years teaching experience. Holding Teacher’s Certification 2.有相關學科的教學經驗; Teaching experience for secondary school relevant subjects

學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:1年以下
年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
公司性質:其它 公司規模:10000人以上

About Nord Anglia EducationNord Anglia Education is the world’s premium schools organisation, with campuses located across 32 countries in North America, Europe, China, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Together, our 81 schools educate more than 68,000 students from kindergarten through to the end of secondary school. We are driven by one unifying philosophy: we are ambitious for our schools, students, teachers and staff, and we inspire every child who attends a Nord Anglia Education school to achieve more than they ever imagined possible.Every parent wants the best for their child — so do we. Nord Anglia Education schools deliver high quality, transformational education and ensure excellent academic outcomes by going beyond traditional learning. Our global scale enables us to recruit and retain world- teachers and to offer unforgettable experiences through global and regional events, while our engaging learning environments ensure all of our students love coming to school.For more information, please visit .關于諾德安達教育集團諾德安達教育集團致力于高端學校經營。我們在中國、歐洲、中東、東南亞及北美等32個國家經營管理著81所高端學校(包括戰略合作模式下開辦的學校),并在這些學校中為超過68000名學生提供高品質的教育。我們主要服務于年齡段從幼兒園至中學畢業的學生群體(K-12)。我們所有的學校奉行同一理念:對我們的學生、員工及學校大家庭抱有熱望,志在高遠,并在這一理念的推動下奮力前行。每一位家長都希望給予孩子最優質的教育,在通往這一目標的道路上我們與您同行。諾德安達教育立志為學生提供超越傳統、擁有更為廣闊視角的優質教育。我們在世界各地名聲斐然,這幫助我們吸引了來自世界各地優秀的人才。我們為學生創造多元化的學習機會,激發他們的學習熱情。