職位描述:1.Implementation of Financing Projects: Lead the financing projects, including preparing financing materials, drafting financing models and business plans. Negotiate and communicate with partners to promote the smooth progress of projects and achieve financing goals.2.Financial Data Analysis: Collect, organize, and analyze the company's financial data to provide data support for financing decisions. 3.Coordination and Communication: Coordinate various internal departments of the company to ensure the smooth progress of financing - related work. Maintain good communication with external investors, regulatory authorities, audit institutions, legal counsel etc., to ensure that financing activities are compliant and legal.職位要求:The capital market manager will be actively involved in corporate fund raising and business/financial analysis and management. Preferred candidates need to have relevant work experience in either investment bank, investment fund or corporate with the main role of helping companies raising fund. Candidates also need to demonstrate strong business and financial analysis capability. Relevant **** in AI/Technology is a plus. A quick learner and team p****. Good communication skills in both Chinese and English are required. Candidates are preferred to have overseas experience.
Aibee(愛筆智能),由前百度研究院院長林元慶博士創立于2017年11月,是業界知名的人工智能(AI)整體解決方案企業,致力于賦能升級垂直行業,打磨AI技術。Aibee以 “精準零售”為戰略路線,融合計算機視覺、語音識別、自然語言理解、大數據分析、機器人等多模態人工智能技術,通過線下全面數字化,完成線上與線下的全面連接,進而推動線上線下流量的數字化運營,為商業地產/購物中心、大型停車場、零售品牌連鎖店、機場、景區、銀行等垂直行業提供線下數字化整體解決方案。截至目前,Aibee 已合作包括萬達、K11、紅星美凱龍等 16家TOP級商業地產品牌,超 80 家大型購物中心,全面領跑購物中心線下數字化市場。在北京、上海、廣州、重慶、武漢等地的大型購物中心,均已落地全新一代智能停車場解決方案。同時,助力10個行業、26個線下零售品牌邁入數字化運營時代。在交通旅游方面,Aibee 與首都機場、大興機場、青島膠東/流亭機場達成深度合作,以大興機場為例,機場內近 200 家商業門店已采用 Aibee 提供的線下零售數字化解決方案。此外,Aibee更與深大智能一起推動國內超220 家知名景區實現智能化升級。在金融方面,Aibee與建設銀行、工商銀行等近10家銀行達成合作。疫情期間,Aibee上線“VR購”服務,在廣州K11、佛山中海環宇城等6家購物中心,林清軒等160余家品牌連鎖店,12家汽車4S店及運營商門店、房地產售樓處等零售場景迅速落地,并在北京、上海、廣州、深圳、杭州、貴陽等多城市、多業態全面鋪開。其中,廣州K11上線“VR購”一個月累積顧客超過20萬,部分店鋪“VR購”線上客流達該店疫情前線下客流10倍以上。截至目前,成立兩年半的Aibee累計融資額已超 1.7 億美元。