1. Optimizes manufacturing processes with focus on semiconductor industry.2. Participates in multi-functional teams to resolve problems.3. Lead in continuous improvements, process enhancement and cost reduction programs.4. Works with internal manufacturing partners to resolve technical and quality issues.5. Be the champion of 6-Sigma projects and able to lead or coach team on 6-sigma projects from different function areas.6. Customer oriented. Maintains product quality, manufacturing effectiveness and resolution of process difficulties through effective statistical analysis, designed experiments, and procedural changes.7. Drive process FMEA and control plan, use SPC to make on line data analysis and reporting
威訊聯合半導體(北京)有限公司(Luxis Beijing Co., Itd.)坐落于北京市經濟技術開發區,成立于2001年。作為立訊精密的全資子公司(深交所股票代碼:002475)以及北京經開區的重點企業,公司致力于半導體封裝、測試解決方案,并應用于全球的消費電子,車載技術以及通訊領域。立訊在全球多個國家與地區搭建了開發、銷售、FAE(現場技術支持) 與智能制造相配合的產品供應體系,從產品的前端設計、開發、制造、測試及銷售,以快速響應并就近服務全球客戶,已成為他們可靠的業務合作伙伴。20多年的積淀讓公司擁有良好的企業文化和工作氛圍。公司致力于為每一位員工提供開放包容的工作環境、有競爭力的薪酬福利待遇和充滿吸引力的職業發展機會。我們鼓勵來自全國各地的候選人加入威訊,加入我們,共同為中國半導體事業的蓬勃發展而努力奮斗!